A Blog About:

embracing bad t.v. and turning what is most likely a vice into a blog-tastic virtue


The Un-Official Motto

The Thirty Year War takes place in the Northeast.  And not Long Island or Boston or anywhere where people speak with distinctive dialects.  So we love to hear other accents, especially Southern accents.  Especially because Southern people tend to be quite nice - and really, anything said in a Southern accent just comes out nicer - and people in my state tend to have a reputation for being cold.

So yesterday I was on the phone with a paralegal at a law office in Connecticut.  I had never met her, but we had spoken a few times and she is quite obviously a Southern transplant.  It was a nice diversion to speak with her because she was just so nice.  On a daily basis, I deal with crotchety old people, so a pleasant Southern woman is a good change of pace.  We were chatting about this and that and she was lamenting on her day and about people giving her a hard time and she said, in the most wonderful Southern drawl, 

"Everyone's tryin' to lick to red off my candy - and I just won't let them!"

Ha!  I'm assuming that's a Southern expression, because I've never heard it.  And if I had heard it, I would be using it at every possible occasion.  I love it!  It is now the un-official motto of the Thirty Year War.  

1 comment:

Da Fashionista said...

my former boss was southern and would say the darndest things. he taught me "lipstick on a pig."