A Blog About:

embracing bad t.v. and turning what is most likely a vice into a blog-tastic virtue


The Great Bang Debacle

It's been over a week since my horrible haircut.  Luckily, my bangs are slowly growing out.  As you may recall, I finally succumbed to my fear of hairstylists only to have my worst nightmare come true.  I asked for Katie Holmes bangs...

... and got "Dorothy Hamill as interpreted by a 4-year-old" bangs instead.  Boo.

But I guess a little levity when dealing with the tremendous horror of an awful haircut is all you can do to get through the experience.  So I am grateful for one of my piano students, "D," who looked at my hair this weekend (when he should have been playing a song) and told me that if I put my hair back in a ponytail (it's way too short to do), my hair would look great and "all the boys would go 'HOLLA' (imagine a little 8-year-old doing a dance move with his arms)!"

Funny - but I ain't no Holla Back Girl. 

1 comment:

Da Fashionista said...

kids say the darndest things.