A Blog About:

embracing bad t.v. and turning what is most likely a vice into a blog-tastic virtue


Today I found some comforting news for Elsa.  Although in general she does not lack self-esteem, even the most centered, confident among us can get down.  Even cats.  Especially cats with unique features, like Elsa's extra toes.

So it was refreshing to see a model/actress plastered on my Yahoo front page talking about her extra fingers.

Seems the new Bond girl is a fellow polydactyl.  

And that makes Elsa and her 36 little toes happy.  Check out Wikipedia for more info on polydactyl cats.  Elsa apparently is a rare little polydactyl kitty because not only does she have opposable "thumbs" on her front paws, she also has extra toes on her back paws.

And can you believe nobody wanted to give her a home...   

1 comment:

Da Fashionista said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. extra fingers also creep me out. I bet Audrina has a third nipple.