A Blog About:

embracing bad t.v. and turning what is most likely a vice into a blog-tastic virtue


The Hills Rewind, Vol. 3

So I continue to be one week behind in my Hills commentary.  Please forgive me.  

Well, nothing much happened anyways, so it shouldn't be difficult to forgive my delay.  Heidi wrote a note to - blah, blah, blah...  I can't even bear to write about it.

My comments this week are thus brief and focused on the front-runner in the "Most Vapid Character on T.V." contest: Audrina.

Watching her do anything makes me cringe in fear that I once may have been so mindless.  It's painful!  Behind her annoyingly empty eyes is a vast expanse of nothingness.

I can only hope that young women can find more suitable role models elsewhere...    

1 comment:

Da Fashionista said...

her eyes creep me out. could be the anti christ.