A Blog About:

embracing bad t.v. and turning what is most likely a vice into a blog-tastic virtue


The End of the World as I Know It

It finally happened.  I turned 30.  

It happened awhile ago, but I've been remiss in updating my blog lately.  It came and went without much fanfare; and, quite honestly, more important things have transpired in the wake of the death of my 20's:

Wall Street tanked.  Then rebounded.  Then tanked again.  All I know is that my measly 401(k) has less money in it now than at the beginning of this year, despite my weekly contributions.

My friend ran the NYC marathon.  I ran down my driveway after taking the garbage out.  Hmph.  Inspiration to go back to the gym.

Americans finally made a decent choice.  I have to say, I was undecided up until the end.  I was a disenfranchised Hilary voter and it was difficult to accept what Obama had to say.  However, given the voter turnout and the excitement surrounding his win, I think at the very least this election has restored hope in those who had no faith in our system that government can work for the people.

So, I enter my 30's knowing that life will stink, get better, stink again, get better again... you need to find motivation to get you through the race and surround yourself with people who will motivate you... and even in the bleakest of times, we can bring about change by exercising our rights and participating in government and society.

1 comment:

Da Fashionista said...

si se puede. and remember you are only as old farty as you let yourself be.