A Blog About:

embracing bad t.v. and turning what is most likely a vice into a blog-tastic virtue


Happy Thanksgiving

This year, particularly the last week or so, I have a lot to be thankful for.  

I'm thankful that my precious Bear aced his follow-up tests and his kidneys are normal.  He'll live a normal life; he won't need medication or shots; and he can eat normal doggy food.  So now we spoil him shamefully and kiss and hug him at any opportunity.  We even let him sleep on the couch.

I'm also thankful my pretty kitty is still a pretty kitty.  

She's been the bargain pet this year - cheaper to adopt, and no vet trips.  Apparently cats aren't interested in eating a whole plate of brownies - and thus requiring a trip to the emergency vet to induce vomiting - or eating a container of Advil - causing acute kidney failure.  Which all supports the fact that cats are far superior and more intelligent that dogs.

And, other than Bear being alive and healthy, I am most thankful that I GOT A NEW JOB!  I've been miserable at my current position since last December.  I've been contemplating completely drastic career changes, disappearing to Rio de Janeiro, and careening off bridges.  But thankfully I found a great new position working with my state's legislature.  I start in two weeks.  

Which means, I quit the day before Thanksgiving.  It was really difficult for me to do, despite my intense hatred for my job.  I wish it had gone down something like this.

But instead I took the advice of most on-line job resources and tried a more diplomatic approach that went surprisingly well.  

Just don't tell you local senator/representative that I semi-regularly watch The Hills.  They may not understand.

Finally, I'm thankful I got my Christmas present early:

So I could bake a bangin' apple pie for Thanksgiving:


A Little Relief

Thankfully, we were able to take Bear home yesterday.  His kidney levels came back to normal, after heavy IV fluid therapy, and stayed normal after the vet weaned him off the fluids.  Now we wait and hope his levels stay good and get him checked out again on Thursday and cross our fingers that his kidneys are still in good shape.  

After a week without our buddy, it is so refreshing to have him back, especially because he's still a happy playful pup.

There is, however, someone in our household who is not happy about this.

Elsa reverted to her scaredy-cat ways back when we first got Bear. Back then, she hid in her room for nearly a month.  Yesterday, she hid behind the TV.  (Ignore the dust.)

But she's working through the pain of sharing her home once again.  Where yesterday she was hiding, today, she's progressed to staring with scorn and disdain at the dog.  That's the kitty sitting underneath the cabinets on the right-hand side of the picture, glaring at the pup.

They did manage to stage their own "Canton's Next Top Model," though.  The judges thought Elsa's look was very commercial, maybe not "Top Model," but she could definitely have a career in print.  They especially liked the little droplet of milk on her mouth.

The judges were very impressed with Bear.  They said he has the "kidney-failure chic" look down, very high fashion - and very "Top Model."  Note the shaved rings on his arms from where his IV's were hooked up.  So fierce.



In very sad, "I-wouldn't-wish-on-my-worst-enemy" news, my doggy Bear is in intensive care at the emergency vet.  

He got into a bottle of Advil that caused acute kidney failure.  

We find out tomorrow what the long-term prognosis will be, and most importantly, whether he'll have a long-term prognosis.  

So for anyone reading this, I would ask that you say a little prayer for my little Bear.  He really needs the help and we really need our buddy back.  Even Elsa, who despite having free reign over the house in Bear's absence, seems somewhat forlorn at the lack of being chased around the house.


Quick Hills Nugget

In an earlier post, I wondered whether LC still had the dog she adopted with Lo.  I came across this photo today:

I'm glad she still has the pup and I'm glad it's not one of those little obnoxious dogs.  But I bet those Hills girls are jealous they couldn't get their hands on the cutest dog ever:

And, seriously, what proper dog owner could ever walk a dog in heels?  I'm a heel-a-phobe, and I fell on my rear the day I attempted to take Bear out in my dress flats.  Now I must rock sneakers with my professional attire for our pre- and post-work walks. 


The End of the World as I Know It

It finally happened.  I turned 30.  

It happened awhile ago, but I've been remiss in updating my blog lately.  It came and went without much fanfare; and, quite honestly, more important things have transpired in the wake of the death of my 20's:

Wall Street tanked.  Then rebounded.  Then tanked again.  All I know is that my measly 401(k) has less money in it now than at the beginning of this year, despite my weekly contributions.

My friend ran the NYC marathon.  I ran down my driveway after taking the garbage out.  Hmph.  Inspiration to go back to the gym.

Americans finally made a decent choice.  I have to say, I was undecided up until the end.  I was a disenfranchised Hilary voter and it was difficult to accept what Obama had to say.  However, given the voter turnout and the excitement surrounding his win, I think at the very least this election has restored hope in those who had no faith in our system that government can work for the people.

So, I enter my 30's knowing that life will stink, get better, stink again, get better again... you need to find motivation to get you through the race and surround yourself with people who will motivate you... and even in the bleakest of times, we can bring about change by exercising our rights and participating in government and society.

The Hills Rewind, Vol. 5

Well, well, well.  I didn't think anyone really cared.  I thought these little posts were just my way to recap events so my bad memory wouldn't forget.  So I was pleasantly surprised to hear that people (other than my one dedicated commentator) actually read this thing!  But now I feel some pressure to deliver good material. 

Anyways, I'm back to being behind in my not-so-loyal Hills watching.  Got caught up on the post-Cabo episode tonight.  Two comments:

1.  Poor Stephanie Pratt.
Although I generally think she is a hot mess and clearly does not apply anything she may be learning in fashion school to her daily get-ups, I have to say - people need to give her an f'-in break.  In the post-Cabo episode, apparently everyone believes that her new boyfriend, who has no prior relationship to anyone else in the Hills cast of characters, should confront Brody Jenner about his past comments to Stephanie.

What planet do these people live on?  Am I missing something?  That's like going to your high school reunion and asking your husband to beat up the boy who flicked boogers at you.  What do Brody's past comments have to do with Stephanie's current boyfriend?  NOTHING.  There is no reason for her boyfriend to even raise the subject.  OK, maybe, maybe if Brody disrespected Stephanie in her boyfriend's presence or during the time they are dating - maybe then could we impose some obligation on this dude to do something.  But, really, he's dating Stephanie Pratt.  Cut the guy some slack.

People, I have a degree in Philosophy, with an emphasis on ethics, so I should know.

2.  And finally, if I were a single lady, I'd be pretty pissed that vapid girls like Audrina could throw away dreamy Australian hunks.  If I were a single lady, I'd book a Christmas Eve flight to Australia and hope for the best.