This year, particularly the last week or so, I have a lot to be thankful for.
I'm thankful that my precious Bear aced his follow-up tests and his kidneys are normal. He'll live a normal life; he won't need medication or shots; and he can eat normal doggy food. So now we spoil him shamefully and kiss and hug him at any opportunity. We even let him sleep on the couch.
I'm also thankful my pretty kitty is still a pretty kitty.

She's been the bargain pet this year - cheaper to adopt, and no vet trips. Apparently cats aren't interested in eating a whole plate of brownies - and thus requiring a trip to the emergency vet to induce vomiting - or eating a container of Advil - causing acute kidney failure. Which all supports the fact that cats are far superior and more intelligent that dogs.
And, other than Bear being alive and healthy, I am most thankful that I GOT A NEW JOB! I've been miserable at my current position since last December. I've been contemplating completely drastic career changes, disappearing to Rio de Janeiro, and careening off bridges. But thankfully I found a great new position working with my state's legislature. I start in two weeks.
Which means, I quit the day before Thanksgiving. It was really difficult for me to do, despite my intense hatred for my job. I wish it had gone down something like this.
But instead I took the advice of most on-line job resources and tried a more diplomatic approach that went surprisingly well.
Just don't tell you local senator/representative that I semi-regularly watch The Hills. They may not understand.
Finally, I'm thankful I got my Christmas present early:
So I could bake a bangin' apple pie for Thanksgiving: